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Solution for the PPF withdrawal showing zero in case of PPF transfer in accounts in DOP Finacle

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  • As we all know there is option to transfer PPF accounts from banks which is generally termed as PPF transfer in procedure.
  • The detailed step by step procedure for PPF transfer in procedure is already uploaded in this blog but however for viewers ease they can track by using this link CLICK HERE.
  • But in some cases after PPF transfer in procedure system is showing the eligible withdrawal as zero even though the customer is eligible for the withdrawal.
  • The solution for this problem is mentioned below.
Please find below reply from Infosys
As per the analysis, RCA is that, during transfer in, user did not record the year end balance for each FY properly which is causing the issue(There is a flag to be recorded as Y for the last transaction in each FY).
We have worked on preventing this issue for any new transfer in process and patch will be routed by today or tomorrow for CAB.
For already affected account, request to close the account and transfer in once again with proper year end indicator for the last transaction in each FY.
Hence it is requested to kindly close this account and open another account (as transfer) with proper year end indicator for the last transaction in each FY . Errorbook entries and necessary approvals may kindly be obtained before closing and opening new account.

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