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New Work! Deathline!


Heres some new work for Paizo i finally have permission to show. these are for two new scenarios for pathfinder called 'The Cultist's Kiss' and 'Severing Ties'. these were my first commissions solely focusing on portraits, and it was a lot of fun. the deadline was a real challenge, but im pleased with the results for where im at. lots left to do and lots more to learn.

speaking of, some of you might remember the Deathline challenge i began a year ago. my goals for the year were the following-

to develop a new professional portfolio- accomplished
to become self sustaining off of freelance- accomplished (in the 11th hour)
to lose 100 lbs and get in better shape- i lost 35, and made exercise regular

Im happy to say this year was overall a really good success and a hugely productive one. the first year after college is the time where most people in the arts make it or break it, and im relieved to say that things are on that ladder to a career. As far as the weight loss, working with tufts medical taught me a lot and while it hasn't gone as fast as I would have liked, im well on the way to losing it in a healthy way and keeping it off. and, hey, 2.35 out of 3 isn't (too) bad. Im gonna give some thought to deathline 2 this week and decide on some new goals so i dont lose track of the big things in year 2.

hugs and kisses. <3


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