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Lissanne's Chaos Demons- Here he Comes! Ignatz the Handful (275 pts)

Decades ago, I bought this discounted model at Gencon to use as Ignatz...it took the OWAC to actually make me get around to painting it, so three cheers for OWAC!  Plus, I can do a far better job of it than I would have 20+ years ago.  Wanting to finally finish this figure is really why I chose Chaos Demons!
It leaves me a spare chaos dwarf sorcerer, but what the hey!

Since I could, I took the time to do a lot of freehand, on the wings especially.  a fellow named Richard Grey kept posting a Moritarion wing with a beautiful blue eye that inspired me.  The model's actual eyes are inset piggy ones, so now he has pretty blue ones, too.  I had to add a bit of greenstuff here and there, it seems inevitable with all old models, especially on the tail, which I made more dangerous, and under the wings to raise them up.

Here is the fluff from our D&D game, which can be used with Warhammer too.  Ignatz has the shape of a D&D manticore, which is to say a Warhammer lammasu, It has manticore paws on the front, and lammasu hooves on the back, which is a pretty cool idea.

The origins of Ignatz the Handful are unknown.  After being summoned and spreading untold disease and carnage throughout the western lands, he was bound in a perfect gem, a symbol of Law, by an archmage called the Fire Witch.  She placed the binding gem in a circular stained glass window of the image of Ignatz facing front, in the center of his forehead, and the window was placed in the attic of her house.  Now the Fire Witch is long gone.  Oracles have predicted for decades he will soon be freed to wreck havoc and pestilence once more...

So here is Ignatz soon-to-be-freed in all his gory glory.  And this time he will be bringing company...Obviously in the Warhammer world, he is already out and he and his friends spreading his blessings on the general populace.

Ignatz the Handful- Unaligned Demon Prince (275 pts)

This puts me over 1000 pts, but for next month, I hope to do the last 5 demonettes of my pledge, or as many of them as I can, but I have no reason to rush them.  The poor fiends will have to wait for another challenge, as well as the 2nd squad of demonettes.  Lord Ignatz took up a lot of time.  (well, that and my real work).

So, another successful OWAC!

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