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EXT: Shattered Home


The summer weather is kicking in. Too much light and warmth - I need some snowy ruins.

This little stubby tower was made of four freebie walls, included as a trailer for Dungeons and Lasers 3, which is fantasy houses with roofs. 

Nice stuff, although I didn't fall for it. Not ruined enough, for one thing!

My snowy ruins table doesn't remotely need anything else doing for it, there's an absolute ton of stuff there already. The Dungeons and Lasers stuff I got the other day had a bunch of Fantasy scenery with it, though, so I felt obliged. I wouldn't want the first themed table I did to get lonely, after all. 

Two bridges, a big one and a slight smaller clone.

The smaller one has clip fittings to work with the plastic walls.

There wasn't much, and it didn't take long (especially with one of my daughters telling me she was doing one of the bridges, and that I was paying her extra pocket money to do it. I didn't argue). Black undercoat, various grey and brown drybrushes, green ink and snow powder, then a tiny bit of metalwork and done. Nice chunks of scatter terrain, just in case there's a square inch I can jam it into somewhere.

These bits are designed to fit into the corners of dungeons, but make excellent corner ruins by themselves.

Two pairs, to make a broken cottage

Mind you, TTCombat has just put out some particularly nice MDF ruined fantasy houses. Maybe the snowy ruins should expand after all...

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