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Chapter 2: Battle of Japura Singh

#14 Battle of Japura Singh
8 September 1898/2008. The next morning, the foe begins to appear.

#15 Battle of Japura Singh
8 September 1898/2008. Desultory fire at the 10th Hussars. The range is too far to score hits.

#16 Battle of Japura Singh
8 September 1898/2008. The enemy pours onto the narrow pass and begins to advance on the 10th Hussars.

#17 Battle of Japura Singh
8 September 1898/2008. They come closer and fire again.

#18 Battle of Japura Singh
8 September 1898/2008. The foe comes even closer whilst Captain Bartlett's 1st Squadron and some men from 2nd. Squadron, 10th Hussars coolly hold fire. So far there are no casualties among the cavalrymen. Private Jones remarks intemperately to his mate, "Wots EEEeee wait'n for?" Sergeant Bourne within close earshot says, "QUIET, Private Jones. There’s a good fellow. Mind yer front."

#19 Battle of Japura Singh
8 September 1898/2008. And now, Captain Bartlett orders, "Steady there men. A moment more. Aim to your front, pick your target........and.......FIRE!"

#20 Battle of Japura Singh
8 September 1898/2008. After several rounds of fire, the enemy retired to the rear. That's them in the far background. However, an even larger body of swordsmen is uncovered and they are rather angry. Bartlett, "Sergeant Bourne, independent fire, if you please." Bourne, "SAH!"

#21 Battle of Japura Singh
8 September 1898/2008. They CHARGE! Bartlett orders, "Rapid volley fire Sergeant Bourne!" The 10th gives fire at close range.

#22 Battle of Japura Singh
8 September 1898/2008. Many fall, but others charge onward to the retrenchment. They are at the wall! Bartlett bellows, "HOLD THEM!"

#23 Battle of Japura Singh
8 September 1898/2008. Somehow the foe climbs the wall. Hand to hand combat ensues. Will Captain Bartlett's men hold them?

#24 Battle of Japura Singh
8 September 1898/2008. A second retrenchment. Here half of 2nd. Squadron is posted, led by Captain Sachs. He turns to his colonel saying. "Sir, Bartlett's game is on." Preece, "Yes, I see the smoke rising. He knows his business.” Meanwhile, Private Corey remarks, "Now then, Private Ham. Wot's this about my vedette leaving The Pass too fast an' you say'n all I saw from atop the mountain, under fire mind you an' double our numbers of mounted tribesmen charging us was a herd of sheep, eh?"

#25 Battle of Japura Singh
8 September 1898/2008. The foe has penetrated the retrenchment! The Hussars grimly hold the line in desperate hand-to-hand combat; swords slashing, bayonets jabbing and carbines smashing. Then, in a moment, like a sudden wind shift changing all things at sea, the foe fled. Exhausted troopers looked at each other in relieved disbelief. The wall held, tribesmen beaten and retiring back out of sight unable to continue. Victory! Then the men burst forth with, "HUZZAH, HUZZAH, HUZZAH!"

#26 Battle of Japura Singh
8 Sept.1898/2008. Later Cpt. Sachs (left), relieves Cpt. Bartlett saying, “Hail Gaius Suetonius Paulinus!” Bartlett, “Oh?” Sachs, “Surely you remember your antiquities? We came here up Watling Street, the path from Tranjapour, held a defile, like the XIVth Legion. This negated the foe’s vast numerical advantage. You threw pila, bullets, had a shield wall, our logs and your short swords, bayonets, finished ‘em. Paulinus’ 10,000 beat Boadicea’s 200,000 like you, here!" Bartlett, "My good men too."

#27 Battle of Japura Singh
8 Sept.1898/2008. Lt. Col. Preece (background left) greets Maj. Trevelyan (background right). Preece, “Well Trevelyan, it was Thermopylae again and this time Xerxes lost." Trevelyan, “Aye and no Ephialtes to let the Persians behind us.” Preece, “Quite so. Losses?” Trevelyan, “Five, Sir. Enemy losses estimated at 28 and we’ve identified ‘em. They’re Tugs.” Preece stiffens saying, “Back from the dead? Impossible!” Suddenly Sgt. Davies shouts from the wall, “They’re back. Hundreds of ‘em. LOOK!”

#28 Battle of Japura Singh
8 September 1898/2008. As the sun falls behind the mountain to the westward, it casts a darkening gloom on The Pass. Binoculars reveal at least a four to one advantage for the foe. They ARE back and in greater numbers than before! What words express your emotions and thoughts at this time, Sirs, and what will the morning bring? What indeed?

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