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Weekly wrap up...we saw Santa today! ♥

We went to see Santa today! 
John had been planning this conversation for weeks. As you can see, he knew exactly what he was going to say....♥
 Just another one of the many holiday traditions we celebrate in December. 
Thankfully, the magic is still alive, and I hope it will always be....♥
Happy first day of December! 
It's the quickest month, don't you think? Don't blink or it will be over!  Take time to enjoy that hot coco while you watch A Christmas Story (my favorite holiday movie, BTW), make a big pot of soup so you have dinner ready after a long day of Christmas shopping, and don't forget to go on what we call "night rides".  It's when we get into the car in our pjs, put on Christmas music, and drive around town and look at lights!  Some people really do it up big! I love those people ♥
Anyway, here are just a few random snaps from the past week...
My mom's Christmas cactus is blooming! It's so pretty!
I went to parent teacher conferences Thursday evening.  I'm so proud of John. He's having a great year! 5th grade is awesome!
Homemade pizza was my everything this week!
Checking this off my to-do list, I got outside and walked during my lunch break.  
It was freezing this day : )
Rudolph was on!
Herbie is my favorite ♥
I really like how other people write my name. 
However I was quite disappointed I did not get a red cup! Hopefully next time ♥
Reading this. I've always wanted to read this book at Christmas time.  It's wonderful. Even though I've know the story forever I've never actually read the book. It's much better than I ever imagined. 
Whole cranberries! Tonight I made cranberry chocolate chip scones.  I have a big one waiting for me in the morning.  Yes, I will be dunking it in my coffee! 
I'll share the recipe soon.  They are very delicious ♥
I hope you have a wonderful weekend filled with warm scones and your coziest holiday traditions. xoxo

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