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New Blogger~%^&*&^%$#

Remember that time we went to Paris and La Seine flooded so we could not walk along it? Champ de Mars was closed off for World Soccer? Garbage service was on strike?
We were frauded and robbed?
What a trip.Rained most of the time too and I don't care what anyone says ..even the romantics..which I can be..Paris is prettier in sunshine..

Which brings me to why are they changing Blogger?

Why do I have both subjects in the same post?New Blogger and Paris gone wrong?
Angst away.

I received an email yesterday ..about Blogger from the G suite team..  Action Required..
I follow directives..
I am Catholic and we were brought up that way..
I am Canadian and too polite..but that's changing.

So I did..I Migrated..Converted..got scared.
This is November all over again.
Migration..Conversion..I mean what' s up with these words?

Did it ..not even my blog name showed up..now it was called Latabledenana /Recipes..What?

And once you Migrate ..your blog will disappear after 30 days.They say..
So now I am wondering if it's a worth it.
Years ago..when IG and Tik Tok and etc did not exist..

So many comments..as the years went on..less and less.
A very popular IGer wrote to me and said ..wow you get a lot of comments on your blog..

Not really..  but she said she hardly got any.

It's not for success etc..but you get to a point where if it's going to be this hard..and you've messed everything up again w/ no live help..and you feel like you are floating down the left bank going nowhere..
You have to reconsider.
And try getting help..
Well..no help fromBlogger was found yesterday.
I have been so grateful to Blogger but when last Nov happened and all my pics were gone and now this?

Not sure at all..
Let me know how your migration conversion goes.
We all know I am not an instruction booklet person.
I feel like I just assembled and Ikea house all wrong.Broken.

If it's not broken why fix it?

Not a happy Blogger.

FOOTNOTE we have until 2021.
So maybe I am ok for another yr.

Also the email I got was for Google Sites which I am not part of..see how mixed up all this is?

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