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Meet Mirella

During the long hot summer months, Mirella lounges in the warmth of the small garden that surrounds the greenhouse. Now that the nights have gotten quite chilly, she has taken up residence on the far corner shelf inside of the greenhouse.
Mirella came to live here a year ago, handed down to me by a dear aunt who was moving. I have had a small Alovera plant now and then, but nothing quite as big as Mirella. I could tell she had been taken good care of. My lessons in the care of succulents would soon be taught to me by Mirella. The first thing I learned was that Alovera plants bloom. As Mirella showed me with her beautiful long orange spike. The next thing I learned, that even though hardy, these plants can still freeze, which most of Mirella's offspring did, because of the greenhouse being too cold this past winter. Mirella, herself, almost did not pull through.
She did, however, growing quickly and sprouting 20 offspring, which I spent a good part of the day separating from her and planting in other containers. I did not realize how many of these plants can come from one plant! Now, the back shelves of the greenhouse are full with Mirella and her clan. I have no idea what I will do with all of them........decorate the porches in the spring and summer perhaps, find other homes for them maybe. Have any of you worked with an Alovera plant like Mirella? I would love to hear!

With October passed, I feel that fall has already gone, even though there are still warm pleasant days here. The garden has pretty much died away. All that is still hanging on is the wall of morning glory that surrounds the garden grounds......although it is also looking tired.

Even with the cold nights, many of the flowers are still budding and blooming here on the farm.

The large patch of Vinca, my husband brought home to me in early April, is still crisp and budding with colorful purple and white blooms.

The marigolds are showing off their fall colors in every flower garden and container.

The garden grounds look tired and weary. It is time for me to till and turn over the earth and give the spaces a rest.

Only a few small pumpkins remain to decorate until Thanksgiving. But there is still a garden growing in my mind! Plans on what is to be planted and where are forming in my imagination for next year's gardens. How about you? Are you glad to just get some rest with these long cold months ahead? Or are you looking forward to new plants, new gardens and new possibilities? I would love to hear!

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