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List of US States Regarding the US Presidential Elections: Mississippi

This summer and autumn, Mars Hill will be looking at each of the 50 states in the Union, with regards to the November elections. Today we look at Mississippi 

The 20th State of the Union, joining the United States in 1817, Mississippi is one of the southernmost states in the US, bordering, among others, Louisiana, Alabama, and Arkansas. It's main industries include entertainment and tourism
Mainly Republican, it was once a Democrat State, but moved to the Right over the last fifty years. It's Governor, two Senators, and all but one of it's Congressmen are Republican.
In the Democrat Primary this year, Hillary Clinton won by 82% and in the Republican Primary, Trump was ahead at 47% Given the demographics (37% of people in Mississippi are African Anericans), and the evidence put forward, I will say that this is an uncertain

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