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Easter weekend

We've had mixed weather in Orkney this weekend.  A gale the other night (but NOT Storm Katie, oh no, we just had a "gale" while the rest of the UK got "Katie" a day later. Hee hee... we get used to being ignored.... ) Anyway, as you can see from the photo above, today has been lovely (mostly) with blue skies, sunshine, and the odd rain shower.

Now, in most of the UK, Good Friday and "Easter Monday" are public holidays.  However in Orkney, for reasons I've yet to fathom, only "Easter Monday" is the public holiday.  But I wasn't working this weekend anyway  so,  of course,  there were potters to the beach..... with Button....

Did I mention showers?  "Incoming!".....

Though last night there was a lovely sunset....

And a rainbow after the showers..... (and earlier winds gusting to 81 mph on the hills!).

And the crocus and daffodils are out!  Ahem, Button has to get into the photo, purely for perspective, she tells me....

"Look", she says, "You can take an action shot photo of me chewing this dried grass. People will want to see that".

"What do you mean, you are taking photos of these FLOWERS?! WHY?"

AND we are now on British Summer Time!  So the clocks went forward an hour at 2am on Sunday morning.  And THIS is the view from my bedroom...... ah yes, lighter morning and longer days.  And even warmth in the sun!

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