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A Rag Doll Order

Greetings dear friends & readers
Goodness me ......  Friday again already !!

A couple of weeks ago my dear friend & long-time customer Christine rang to inquire whether I could make a Rag Doll for her granddaughter Krystal who was soon to turn 7.

Christine texted me through these pictures above  .....  this was a doll she had bought from my Craft Cottage many years ago that Krystal just Loved & played with each time she visited her Nana's home. 
So Chris wanted an identical doll & the aqua bow was to be the colour theme along with a request for long brown hair.

I asked Chris to please send the doll over to me so I could draft off a pattern & she did warn me she may need some repairs as she has been very well loved !!
I removed dollies clothes & gave them a wash  -  her arm surgery would have to wait for now as I needed to draft patterns off for the body & the clothing

I find it quite difficult drafting off patterns & Krystal's Rag Doll turned out just a fraction bigger but I was most relieved when she was all finished & thought she looked so pretty all dressed in aqua .  .  .  .  .  
.  .  .  .  . complete with long brown hair as requested.

When a doll is to be played with by a child I always double stitch & reinforce everything when making it.

I had to visit my local Patchwork Shop to get aqua fabrics & found the ribbons for her hair in just the perfect shade 
of aqua.

The little socks & shoes were in my stash from all the doll making I have done over the years.

Next it was time to repair Chris's original Rag Doll - her arm got re-attached & her legs reinforced
Her clothing was washed & pressed & a new skirt was made after I had a slight accident with her old one involving a splash of bleach !! 😐
I had a wee chat with dolly & she was most happy for me to make her a new skirt in Tilda fabric. 
Her hair was re-attached & she also got a brand new set of hair ties made.
All in all - a big improvement & she was smiling happily again 💗

After reading this post * here *where I made myself a new ironing board cover my friend (also called Julie) asked me 
to please make one for her ironing board.
When she dropped off her existing one for me to copy I realised it had the wadding stitched into it - unlike mine in which I just stretch a nice new length of wadding over the ironing board first - easy peasy.
As you can see I had Miss Pain in the Pippi's help to measure, cut & sew the wadding into the cover 😉
(And Yes - it took me half an hour when finished, to pick the ginger hairs out of the wadding !!!)

I knitted two more organic cotton washcloths as I am making up another wee package for Juno - my new (step) granddaughter.

A friend told me our local Woolshop is closing down so I popped in last week to stock up on some Dishcloth Cotton. 
 I really loved the top two pastel colors which I hadn't seen before. 
I also treated myself to a brand new pair of knitting needles - a rare purchase.

And then - just this morning - my neighbor dropped off the parcel above  .....  a Thank You gift for pet feeding duties 
I had done recently.
I especially loved the bundle of fat quarters with sewing themed prints on them, & the wee hanging fairy is a kitset with everything included. 😊

Here's wishing you all a wonderful Weekend dear friends,
Take care - be kind to yourselves & to each other,
With much love & friendship to you all,
Julie & the furry ones x0x0x0

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