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Hey Pandas, What Was A Small, Bad Decision You Made?

Have you ever had that one cringe moment that you now see as a bad decision but wasn't that bad? Post it here!


Procrastinating. I wanna stop, but maybe later?


If I'm being completely honest, it's posting my opinion onto BP. I have beliefs that apparently the majority of people here disagree with, so now I rarely speak my thoughts out, because I'm afraid of judement. :')


Not being able to say "no" when I should.




Not focusing to much on school when i should have


Not visiting my relatives when o was a teenager because I wanted to look "cold and distant". Now many of my amazing and loving aunts, uncles and grandparents are dead I would give up anything to go back and time and hugged then ?


Stress eating “ eating my feelings.” If I could address my stress and anxiety better, and stop normalizing food as stress reduction.


a messy room


Going to a huge 4-year uni instead of a CC. Costs were nuts and the teaching was impersonal


Letting myself get used time and time again.


Staying at a job too long here I was unappreciated and paid crap wages, for no good reason other than it was familiar and the prospect of leaving it was scary.


Staying with my mum when my parents split up


Using the key once on my math homework. Now every time I can't complete it easily I get frustrated, remember how easy copying the key is, and copy it. I can not stop it's insane


marrying the wrong person


Not speaking my real feeling because it can sound harsh. It always ended up with me being hurt cause I’m too sensitive.

Boy, how great my life would be if I can speak it up.


Trusting a fart after eating Mexican food.


Playing video games at school, I never got caught but now I can't sleep well.


Not caring about high school, I had no GPA in 11th grade. Still doing well in life but if I would have applied even anything back then who knows.


I said my opinion on a character's sexuality in an anime because I think he's Bisexual (not proven and I even say that but it is a huge theory) and I started an entire war on a YouTube video with one comment that said "There is no way this character is straight"


engaged in an online discussion


Gas station sushi.


Trust a friend that pushed me in a lake causing me to get surgery on my foot.


I'm going to tell myself that I'm going to play Minecraft for only 1-2 hours but i end up playing it for 5 hours


When I bought my home, I put my husband on the deed even though the mortgage was in my name and my parents had given me the downpayment. He tried to get half when we divorced, but I reminded him that I paid off his student loans with my inheritance and he shut right up. I miss that house.


Quitting a job after 20 years due to racial discrimination ?


I was accepted into a few colleges and chose the one further from home. After one year I transferred and all my credits didn’t transfer so I basically was a freshmen for 2 years due to my bad decision of just not going to the closer college in the first place.


being born


To come to work today...


binge watching shows, and them missing them once i watched all the episodes later


Agreeing to wash the whole team's rugby jerseys when they played on grass on a wet day. (Their team colours are white and Maroon)


Nearly committing suicide


Lying a lot ?


Making my bedtime too late. Now, it's really hard for me to go to sleep any earlier and I have to wake up early so I'm always tired. :|


Not going to college! I wish I had pursued my dream to be an avian vet; now I don’t have the time to do it.


i decided to skip pe for a day next pe class we were doing gymnastics and it was compulsory and they practiced in the class I missed so I had a sprained foot because I missed 1 pe class


Creating and using a BoredPanda account.


Started "dating" too soon. It set the unstable pace for the rest of my emotional life. And led to worse decisions.


16 when a lit agent wanted to represent my novel. I told her I could only write short stories ??


today... telling my colleagues at work that i once helped a young refugee with integration...


Deciding to drive to the hospital to see my dad for the last time. I wrote the car off, thankfully was not injured but could have avoided that accident by realising I was too emotional to drive.


Letting my father push me into computer science instead of graphic design when choosing a carreer path.


i got a lot of em.
repeatedly breaking the trust of those i love (not like commiting a crime, more like computer when not allowed).
Not taking my meds because "i can miss it just this once" and "eh i don't have water up here" or "i'm in bed already"
Less my fault, but not telling my mother that i'm not grabbing her because i'm joking around, i'm grabbing her because i have a bad headrush. if i'd told her, i wouldn't have hit my head on the table after fainting.
Staying up too late.
Not studying enough.
Not taking enough notes in class.
Breaking the "take care of yourself and your mental health and don't do dangerous things" contract.
The list goes on for miles, as most of my decisions are small and bad.


Picking up German. Oh my Scheiße, I can't even stop it now


Not being born two weeks earlier than my actual birthday. My great grandpa passed away two weeks before i was born and i honestly hate myself for it. I wish i got to meet him everyday of my life and all of my other friends like to make fun of me for not being able to meet him. They all have met theirs though.


50 years ago, I could have bought cakes of Red Seal pu’er tea in Hong Kong for about two bucks a cake. They had piles of them. Now one is worth about $300,000.


not having a good voice if i did i could tell my sister to not want to move at 15 beacause our parents and family can die anytime and we need to spend as much gime with them as possible and she would take me serious


Downloading Gacha-related stuff. I am too rooted in the community to ever stop. Ever. (Technically, its my sis's fault)


eating lots of food


I was given the chance to fly a plane. I fricking hate myself for that




Looked for happiness and left a high paying job to do things I wanted to do like travel, write and what not.

Now I am in a role that is not just annoyingly demanding but comparatively low paying.


I was my blind aunt's home health aide. She berated, was rude to me, and always tried to make me feel guilty for not giving her her pain pills when she wanted them. She would put me down to her friends and never was happy with anything I did. I knew I should have quit and gotten a different job, but I stayed and let her mistreat me. That was the worst decision of my life. I still suffer from low self esteem issues from that time in my life.

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