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LeChat Dare to Wear; Exposed Collection & Perfect Match Gel Exposed Giveaway

Morning all!  Tuesday means back to reality.  Bye bye 3 day weekend.  Hello homework and after school activities.  What I genuinely hope for this week is that the crazy weather is behind us.  It was 107 at points and it was smokey from local fires but then yesterday it flipping rained!  Mother Nature must be pmsing. I just want cool Fall weather now...waiting, waiting, waiting.  While I'm waiting let's look at a perfectly 'exposed' collection.  This is the new LeChat Exposed Collection and it's a great palette cleanser for between seasons!  6 shades that give your nails just a hint of color in the cleanest way for a super elegant look.  You can pick these up for $6.50 each.  LeChat also sent along the matching gel set and since I don't use gel I'm giving them away!  Ok then, let's jump in to the post!

*press sample*

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