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Answers to Q&A 2011

About me

Q: How old are you ??
A: I'm 22 years old.

Q: What ethnicity/nationality are you?
A: German / Thai

Q: Where do your parents come from?
A: My Dad is from Thailand and my Mom is from Germany.

Q: Do you have any siblings?
A: I have an older sister and two brothers. One is older and the other is younger than me :)

Q: Are you close with your family and do you miss them?
A: Yes, I'm close to my family. We always call and write each other. Of course I miss them a little, but I'm not that kind of person who gets home sick and miss my family like tremendously.

Q: What languages do you speak besides German and English?
A: I only speak German and English. I wish i could speak more languages like Thai, French, or Spanish.

Q: What do you do for a living?
A: That is a secret! :) 

Q: What are you studying at an University?
A: I'm not studying, but maybe in the future.

Q:What school have you finished?
A: I went to a school for fashion design and got a degree for state certified fashion designer.

Q: Are you married? Since when?
A: Im happily married since April 2011.

Q: Do you plan a big wedding?
A: Yes, some day I would like to have a big wedding with my whole family and friends together.

Q: Are you planning to have kids soon?
A: Not soon, but of course some day.

Q: How did you meet your boyfriend?
A: We met each other at a train station.

Q: Why did you move to the U.S.?
A: Because of my husband.

Q: How did you maintance a long distance relatshionship?
A: Communication (e.g Skype, webcam, e-mail, telephone etc.), a lot of trust, staying positive and having hope. These are the important things which worked for my long distance relationship.

Q: I am very curious about how it is that you found in the U.S.? Have you had problems with the visa and all these things?
A: So far, I haven't had any problems with the visa even though it is a lot of paper work.

Q: Where can you live better after your opinion - in Germany or in Los Angeles?
A: I haven't live here long enough to make a judgement between the two.

Q: Germany or USA, what is the difference etc.?
Germany: no shopping on sundays // costumer service can be poor// less free time activities// clean drinking water // fresh German bread // healthy food // Turkish Doener  (not seen in the US so far :( ) // if you buy something tax is already included // less traffic and more traffic signs.

USA: more free time activities to do // shopping on sundays // 24/7 shopping or eating // very friendly people // good costumer service // if you want to buy something tax will be added to your purchase //  different atmosphere // ''drinkable'' water from the faucet taste like chlorine // drinking age is 21 / / traffic is horrible in Los Angeles (some people don't know how to drive - you see car accidents everyday) // you don't see any dog poo or cigarettes on a sidewalk like in Germany which is disgusting.

Poooh...! There are so many diffrences to count for Germany and USA.

Q: What are you planning to do in the U.S.?
A: I am trying to make my way to the fashion industry.

Q: How long will you stay there?
A: Hmmm, I really can't tell how long I will live in the states. Let's see what the future will bring.

Q: How long are you planning to stay in LA?
A: Until the end of October. We are moving.

Q: Do you miss Germany?
A: So far I only miss the German food that my mom cooks.

Q: Do you like life in California? 
A: I love it so far :) !

Q: Do you like traveling, if so, where would you like to travel to?
A: I love traveling! Some day I would like to visit the countries/states I have never visited like Hawaii, New York, Paris, Japan or England.


Q: How tall are you?
A: 171cm (5'7'')

Q: How much do you weigh ?
A: 59,5 kg (131 lb)

Q: What are your measurements? 
A: Bust: 92cm //Waist: 68cm//Hips: 96cm

Q: Do you ever have "fat" days and what do you do about low self esteem? Do you ever diet?
A: Sometimes I have these days where I feel "big" :D, but I work out a little bit and these feelings go away. I never have been on a diet.

Q: Do you have any workout or eating tips?
A: Not really. I just can suggest working out or moving at least, like riding a bike or taking a walk, eat healthy, and drink a lot of water.

Q: What do you do to your hair ? ( shampoo, conditioner, mask, iron, ... ) 
Here are my latest hair products:
(From left to right): Moist shampoo - Aussie \\ Moist conditioner - Aussie
\\ Hair spray sleek and shine ultrastrong - Garnier Fructies \\ Nutritive therapy nourishing oil care anti-frizz serum - Dove

(From left to right): Curl iron - Conair \\ Hair dryer - Remington
Q: How is your hair naturally ( without heating ) ?
My hair is straight, but when I let my hair air dry by keeping my hair into a bun over the night it becomes wavy.

Q: Do you often dye it ?
Right now I don't dye my hair. I had overly died hair and now let my natural hair color grow out.

Q: What is your skin regime?
To be honest, I think don't have a flawless skin because I have pimples, blackheads and oily skin. I know - ewwww! But yeah, I always try to take care of my face and cover it up with make-up.

Here are my latest skin products that I am using to take car of my skin:
In the morning: Renewing cleanser - Proactiv and Revitalizing toner - Proactiv

In the evening: Cold cream cleanser - Pond's for removing my eye make up, Perfect whip foam face wash - Shiseido, Lait-creme concentrate - Embryolisse

(From left to right): Cold cream cleanser - Pond's \\ Perfect whip foam face wash - Shiseido
// Renewing cleanser - Proactiv \\ Revitalizing toner - Proactiv \\ Lait-creme concentrate - Embryolisse

For my Body and other:
(From left to right): Bath poof \\ Ultra rich Shea butter creme body wash - Softsoap
\\ Total moisture conditioning body lotion - Vaseline \\ Lip balm in a jar - Carmex  \\ Deo stick cotton dry - Rexona
Q: Can you make a video tutorial on how you make your hair wavy, a video makeup tutorial or a tutorial for having eyebrows like you?
A: I know a lot of people asked me if I could make a video tutorial and I am considering about making one. One day I will give it try and if it is successful and you like it, I will continue with making more videos.

About fashion and other 

Q: I see that you wear a nice mixture of heels n flats... which do you prefer?
It always depends on the location or occasion and how I feel, but I wear more flats than heels.

Q: Any ideas of where you go to purchase low heel (preferably under 4in) shoes, wedges, booties or flats that are still chic and stylish?
There are tons of stores or online shops available. You can find some low heels, flats or boots at Payless, Urbanog.com, Forever 21, Zara, Asos, Topshop, Amiclubwear, Gojane, Burlington, Zappos, Endless, T.j.Maxx or cheap stores at malls.

Q: If you could pick one shoe to wear for the rest of your life, which one of your shoes would you pick?
I would pick some flats because they are comfortable and I think I couldn't wear heels. They would kill me if I have to wear them for the rest of my life - my poor feet :O

Q: Where do you get all your Japanese stuff from?
Mostly from online shops like PinkyParadise, Ichibankao, Shoppingholics or Eyecandy Lens. Here in California they a have some stores where you can buy food, magazines and books or cosmetic from Japan.

Q: What did you want to do when you grew up as a kid?
Fashion designer :)


Q: How long have you been doing your blog and how many viewers have you had??
A: I started blogging in December 2009. I don't remember how much viewers or readers I had, but I had a few and it was growing by time and it continues to grow.

Q: What inspired you to start a blog?
A: Once I read a fashion magazine with a few fashion/lifestyle blogs listed in there, I checked them out on the internet and I was really impressed and inspired by them. Then I thought maybe some people are interested in my style and started a blog for fashion, fashion design, beauty and lifestyle.

Q: Who inspires you to blog posts?
A: Self-inspired.

Q: How did you make your blog known/famous ? Did it happen like that? What's your advice ?
A: I wouldn't say it's famous or successful. Blog the way you like and share your interests with your readers - show your personality. Leave your link on other sites and keep your blog updated. Readers will discover your blog by time and the most important thing is be friendly to your readers.

Q: How do keep your viewers interested and for them to follow??
A: I don't have a plan or strategy to keep my viewers interested. I think that's a good question for my readers.

Q: Do you check out blogs from the people that comment your blog and actually leave them a comment?
A: Yes. My readers are important to me. Every time when someone left a nice comment I click on the link and look who actually wrote me. I only leave comments on a page when I really have something to say or when someone left a comment with a question.

Q: Do you mind to visit and follow me?
A: Of course I check out your blog after you left a comment, but I don't follow on request. I just follow blogs I really like.

Q: How did you manage to get sponsors for your blog? 
A: When you have luck, sponsors discover your blog or you can also write to sponsors and can ask for a sponsorship.

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