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Jay Electronica Says He Loved Kanye West's Yeezus Album

During a recent question-and-answer session on kanyetothe.com, Jay Electronica was asked about his opinion on Kanye West's last album, Yeezus, and he said he loved it. This surprised a lot of the forum members, as a lot of people generally believe that the album sucked. But Electronica took time to explain why people acted so negative towards the album. 

Below are his words concerning what he feels about Yeezus.

"i loved it, but the media crucified him and slandered him because of the content and his outspokenness on many things. Then the sheeple started saying it was wack like a mantra after a few so-called tastemakers said it. the end,"

Dude took the words out my mouth...I loved that album from beginning to the end, from the lyrics to the production. People are so shallow and close minded; they always want everything to be the same as it has always been, and want some authority to tell them when to accept something different. It really does piss me off when people call a piece of ART like Yeezus wack...ARE YOU CRAZY!!!

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