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Sephora are selling a beauty blender for eyeliner

We've all heard of and seen beauty blenders over the past year.

I'm not bothered by them myself to be honest but some people love them. I mean really love them. I don't see anything they can do that you can't do with a really good brush and some skills.

So this is the eyeliner equal of the beauty blender.

It's called the liner designer and it will be available for $18 from Sephora soon enough. Personally, I think $18 is a bit steep for it. But it does claim to make your eyeliner even every time though. It has three different sides which means that as you hold it up to your eye, you can get different looks evenly applied which apparently you cannot do freehand. They got me there. It is a total pain to have to attempt freehand exact liner with ten seconds of getting ready time in the morning.
Behold though, for your $18, it also comes with a suction cup so you can hold the mirror up freehand.   The mirror is also magnified 5 times bigger as well so you can see your eyeball up close.

Available in March.

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